My Story

Caron Allen Taira, Independent Representative

Caron Allen Taira, Independent Representative

I am very lucky to have found Moxxor.

My cat Gracie was 16 and not doing well. I took her to 2 regular veterinarians and 3 holistic veterinarians over the course of 6 months. She was suffering from chronic vomiting and a weak stomach. No medication or supplement was helping her until Dr. Celeste Yarnall advised me to give her Moxxor. Gracie is now 18 and still doing well. She rarely ever vomits anymore — maybe once every couple months instead of several times a day, and she is happy and healthy.

Both my husband and I also take Moxxor now and we love the supplement.

I think it is the best omega-3 with antioxidants ever, and it is sustainably and consciously produced.

I hope you will come to love it too, as well as the business opportunity it overs.

Please feel free to contact me at

*Any views, opinions or claims presented in this story are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of Moxxor. Success with Moxxor is a result of individual effort, goal setting and discipline. Claims concerning Moxxor’s products or systems have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. As with any dietary supplement, consult your health care practitioner before using any product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or under medical supervision. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. © Moxxor. All rights reserved.